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Design Review Board Agenda 07/23/2014

Design Review Board
Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 – 6:00 pm
120 Washington Street, Third Floor Conference Room

Roll Call

Ernest DeMaio
Glenn Kennedy
Paul Durand
Helen Sides
Christopher Dynia
J. Michael Sullivan
David Jaquith

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review

  • 83 Washington Street (Melita Fiore Cakes): Discussion of proposed A-Frame sign
  • 177 Essex Street (Turtle Alley Chocolates): Discussion of proposed A-Frame sign
  • 190 Essex Street (The Coven’s Cottage): Discussion of proposed signage
  • 87 Washington Street (Opus): Discussion of proposed revisions to front outdoor seating area, and proposed A-Frame sign
  • 90 Washington Street (Koto Japanese Grill and Sushi): Discussion of proposed signage
  • 122 Washington Street (The Ugly Mug Diner): Discussion of proposed signage

North River Canal Corridor Projects Under Review

  • 72 Flint Street and 67-69 & 71 Mason Street (Riverview Place): Discussion of design revisions to proposed residential and commercial development

Old / New Business


Approval of the minutes from the May 28, 2014 regular meeting.
Approval of the minutes from the June 25, 2014 regular meeting.


Know your rights under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 30A §18-25 and City Ordinance Sections 2-028 through 2-2033.